• Weapons and ballistic expertise

    WEAPONS AND BALLISTIC EXPERTISE Research scope: Examination of firearms and their parts. Identification of weapons, scales and missiles. Examination of gas, pneumatic, alarm, incapacitating and other weapons. Investigation of traces of firearm use. Determining firearm characteristics in the light of applicable regulations.

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  • Training offers

    While trying to popularise forensic knowledge and to set standards for carrying out criminalistics examinations/surveys, Polish Forensic Association offers a wide spectrum of trainings, directed to police officers, public prosecutors, bank and insurance companies’ employees, etc. The typical projects of Polish Forensic Association are mainly lectures followed by a discussion, which are popular not only within a scientific […]

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Polskie Towarzystwo Kryminalistyczne
00-018 Warszawa, ul.Zgoda 11 lok. 300
tel. +48 22 692-43-85
fax +48 22 827-01-60
kom. +48 798-327-380
e-mail: ptk@kryminalistyka.pl
nr konta: PKO IX O/Warszawa
61 1020 1097 0000 7102 0108 3401
KRS 0000109111
NIP 526-17-63-900
REGON 000810466

Instytut Kryminalistyki Polskiego
Towarzystwa Kryminalistycznego Sp. z o.o.

Siedziba: 01-424 Warszawa, Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia 155
Adres do korespondencji: 00 - 018 Warszawa, ul. Zgoda 11 lok. 300
tel. +48 22 692-43-85
fax +48 22 827-01-60
kom. +48 798-327-380
kom. +48 601-075-106
kom. +48 609-605-536
e-mail: ptk@kryminalistyka.pl
nr konta: Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A.
84 1940 1076 3146 6840 0000 0000
KRS 0000093600
NIP 521-30-13-064
REGON 014986697

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