In the structures of Polish Forensic Association there’s a well-equipped forensic laboratory (part of the Criminalistics Institute), performing with expertise in various fields of forensic science for judicial bodies, law firms, administration offices and other institutions or private individuals. Among others mostly providing expertise documents such as:

  • documents expertise (examination of manuscripts and technical research – full range). As one of the few research centres in the field of forensic PTK performs ageing test on written texts and the chronology of records,
  • physicochemical expertise,
  • expertise on drugs and legal high designer drugs (we offer drugs and legal highs examinations, carried out in accordance with the requirements of “Scientific group for the analysis of drugs” and the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes),
  • biological expertise (including DNA testing),
  • computing expertise,
  • phonoscopic expertise,
  • traseological and fingerprint expertise,
  • mechanoscopic expertise,
  • weapons and ballistic expertise,
  • expertise of traffic accidents,
  • audiovisual, photographic and surveillance systems expertise,
  • anthropological and anthroposcopic expertise,
  • polygraphic and variographic expertise (for lawsuits and out of them) and many others.

We also offer free consultations & advice and forensic training in the selected range of issues for law enforcement and justice.

Our experts are highly qualified specialists with recognition in the forensic community, who after meeting the stringent requirements of the qualification procedure, are rewarded the title of Polish Forensic Association expert by the scientific council. PTK currently has staff consisting of more than 100 experts (mainly former experts of the Central Forensic Laboratory, police laboratories and university researchers). While working for PTK they have published over 18,000 specialist documents for law enforcement, criminal justice and other clients.


Expertise documents produced by Polish Forensic Association are marketed with assurances of:

  • prompt and punctual case realisation (ranging from 2 weeks to 30 days, or less in urgent cases),
  • inclusion of highly professional and reliable opinions,
  • competitive pricing of forensic expertise (calculated according to the current Regulation of the Minister of Justice),
  • expertise being carried out using state of the art equipment, with analysis and measurement carried out with extremely high levels of precision,
  • expertise being based on the latest scientific achievements,
  • complex expertise, on appeals also group expertise where necessary, the provision of opportunities to consult with national and international laboratories.


Where necessary, we provide the opportunity of consultation with national and international laboratories. Polish Forensic Association consults on:

  • range of forensic and criminalistics research,
  • methods of collecting the reference material,
  • other forensic issues.


Polskie Towarzystwo Kryminalistyczne
00-018 Warszawa, ul.Zgoda 11 lok. 300
tel. +48 22 692-43-85
fax +48 22 827-01-60
kom. +48 798-327-380
nr konta: PKO IX O/Warszawa
61 1020 1097 0000 7102 0108 3401
KRS 0000109111
NIP 526-17-63-900
REGON 000810466

Instytut Kryminalistyki Polskiego
Towarzystwa Kryminalistycznego Sp. z o.o.

Siedziba: 01-424 Warszawa, Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia 155
Adres do korespondencji: 00 - 018 Warszawa, ul. Zgoda 11 lok. 300
tel. +48 22 692-43-85
fax +48 22 827-01-60
kom. +48 798-327-380
kom. +48 601-075-106
kom. +48 609-605-536
nr konta: Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A.
84 1940 1076 3146 6840 0000 0000
KRS 0000093600
NIP 521-30-13-064
REGON 014986697

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