Research scope:
  • Study of video recordings.
  • Identification of individuals and objects based on photographs and video recordings, etc.
  • Analysis of events recorded with systems (camera monitoring).
  • Assessment of the type, system and authenticity of the recording (e.g. resulting from the preparation and falsification of scenes and images on various media);
  • Determining the number of copies.

During research, we use specialized equipment and computer software for various monitoring systems.

monitoring 800 monitoring 2

Polish Forensic Association has developed and implemented forensic research in the field of digital image processing and video record identification, including: assessment of the type and authenticity of recording in addition to the attempts at preparing and falsifying scenes and images on various media; determining possible copies, etc. Analog and digital records are tested in many systems. An overview document is produced in the form of high quality prints of the so-stills. We also conduct research on the authenticity of records on commercial media under copyright protection.

Polskie Towarzystwo Kryminalistyczne
00-018 Warszawa, ul.Zgoda 11 lok. 300
tel. +48 22 692-43-85
fax +48 22 827-01-60
kom. +48 798-327-380
nr konta: PKO IX O/Warszawa
61 1020 1097 0000 7102 0108 3401
KRS 0000109111
NIP 526-17-63-900
REGON 000810466

Instytut Kryminalistyki Polskiego
Towarzystwa Kryminalistycznego Sp. z o.o.

Siedziba: 01-424 Warszawa, Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia 155
Adres do korespondencji: 00 - 018 Warszawa, ul. Zgoda 11 lok. 300
tel. +48 22 692-43-85
fax +48 22 827-01-60
kom. +48 798-327-380
kom. +48 601-075-106
kom. +48 609-605-536
nr konta: Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A.
84 1940 1076 3146 6840 0000 0000
KRS 0000093600
NIP 521-30-13-064
REGON 014986697

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