Research scope:
  • Disclosure of fingerprints on various substrates.
  • Identification of fingerprints.
  • Identification of mouth, ear and teeth traces.
  • Examination of gloves traces.
  • Examination of shoe and means of transport tracks/traces.
  • Fingerprinting services for visa purposes, etc.



During research, we use modern specialist equipment and technical means, including:

  • Cyanoacrylate cell.
  • Illuminators, UV lamps.
  • Stereoscopic microscopes.
  • A specialist inspection suitcase.
  • Dactyloscopic agents (Argentorate, ferromagnetic powders, fluorescent powders, ninhydrin, iodine vapor, deferoxamine (DFO), cyanoacrylate, crystalline violet and other agents).
Daktyloskopia, Przechwytywanie

Polskie Towarzystwo Kryminalistyczne
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NIP 526-17-63-900
REGON 000810466

Instytut Kryminalistyki Polskiego
Towarzystwa Kryminalistycznego Sp. z o.o.

Siedziba: 01-424 Warszawa, Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia 155
Adres do korespondencji: 00 - 018 Warszawa, ul. Zgoda 11 lok. 300
tel. +48 22 692-43-85
fax +48 22 827-01-60
kom. +48 798-327-380
kom. +48 601-075-106
kom. +48 609-605-536
e-mail: ptk@kryminalistyka.pl
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