Research scope:
  • Creating a memory portrait using computer methods.
  • Identifying a human based on a skull and photos (super-projection method).
  • Assessing the age progression and regression (aging and rejuvenation) based on a photograph of a person.
  • Evaluation of the developmental age and estimation of the metric age of the persons recorded on graphic and film files and on analogue photographs (suspected of being under the age of fifteen and under the age of eighteen).
  • Determining paternal ancestry by anthropological methods, where there is no possibility of conducting genetic research – based on the face morphology of a child, mother and alleged father fixed on photos.
  • Identification of people from monitoring, photographs and other image carriers.
  • Retrieval of comparative material for identification studies of individuals fixed on monitoring (with the same exposure conditions).
  • Disclosure of group characteristics relevant for the identification of persons fixed on various media when masked, in addition to restoration of movement patterns (behavioural traits).
  • Searching and locating burial sites (borehole method).
  • Identification of carcasses and human remains, including assessment of species origin, determining time of death, reconstruction of appearance by means of plastic reconstruction and super-projection identification.
  • – Reconstruction of the event based on the accumulated process materials.


We perform anthropological identification of persons and objects fixed by the monitoring systems on different media formats (pictures, video tapes and other image carriers etc.).

Polskie Towarzystwo Kryminalistyczne
00-018 Warszawa, ul.Zgoda 11 lok. 300
tel. +48 22 692-43-85
fax +48 22 827-01-60
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REGON 000810466

Instytut Kryminalistyki Polskiego
Towarzystwa Kryminalistycznego Sp. z o.o.

Siedziba: 01-424 Warszawa, Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia 155
Adres do korespondencji: 00 - 018 Warszawa, ul. Zgoda 11 lok. 300
tel. +48 22 692-43-85
fax +48 22 827-01-60
kom. +48 798-327-380
kom. +48 601-075-106
kom. +48 609-605-536
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