Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Tomaszewski – laureatem International Forensic Science Award!
Przewodniczący Rady Naukowej PTK – prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Tomaszewski odebrał prestiżową nagrodę z rąk światowej sławy kryminalistyka – dr Henry’ego C. LEE. Uroczystość miała miejsce 3.10.2015r. w Institute of Forensic Science Uniwersytetu w New Haven /USA/. Dziękując za to zaszczytne wyróżnienie – prof. Tomaszewski powiedział
„There is one more reason that I wanted to come: to give you all the best regards from the Polish forensic science community. This is a relatively small community but rather active and quickly developing during last years, having good ties with foreign experts and scientists both in Europe and in the United States, which is possible due to huge political changes occurred in Poland in 1989 when along with the Solidarity movement we started our march toward democratic society. I consider this award as a sign of such close ties and cooperation between Polish and American forensic scientists and our universities, and I hope that we can expand this collaboration in the future.”